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Pain Due to Diabetes (Diabetic Neuropathy)

Known commonly as "Diabetes", characterized by high blood sugar levels, can lead to a condition called diabetic neuropathy. Diabetic neuropathy is a type of nerve damage seen in diabetic patients. This damage diminishes the nerve's ability to transmit messages from various body parts to the brain.

Diabetic neuropathy can cause:

  • Loss of sensation and strength in various parts of the body
  • Heart's inability to pump the required blood
  • Reduced capability of intestines to digest food
  • Erectile dysfunction in men

Long-term diabetics can suffer nerve damage. Those who don't manage their blood sugar effectively are more susceptible to diabetic neuropathy. Men are more prone than women.

To prevent diabetic neuropathy, it's vital to control blood sugar and maintain it within normal limits. Healthy eating, avoiding high fat or sugar content food, shedding excess weight, regular exercise, and medication adherence can help.

Symptoms of Diabetic Neuropathy

Numbness or tingling in the feet and toes can be a sign of diabetic neuropathy. Due to this numbness, patients might not feel minor cuts or traumas. Specifically, the following symptoms suggest diabetic neuropathy:

  • Burning pain in the feet, especially intensifying at night. Thermography can show circulation issues in the feet.
  • Dizziness that might lead to falls
  • Diarrhea and constipation
  • Erectile dysfunction in men

Alleviating Diabetic Neuropathy

The first step is the use of pain-relieving medications. If medication doesn't sufficiently alleviate the pain, various nerve blocks can be applied. Blocking the sympathetic nervous system, which controls many involuntary body functions and plays a significant role in pain transmission, can be particularly effective.