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Neck Exercises

  • Relaxation: Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the ground (you can also put a pillow under your head for comfort). Inflate and relax your abdominal muscles as you take deep breaths. Repeat this three times.

1. Neck Sliding: Flatten your neck curve by pressing it towards the ground. Instead of drawing your chin towards your chest, extend your neck, feeling its elongation. Stay like this for 5 seconds and repeat three times.


2. Passive Neck Rotation: Using one hand to hold your forehead, turn your head from one side to the other until your neck relaxes. Do not use your neck muscles to do this movement and do not force it. Repeat 10 times.


3. Active Neck Rotation: Once you feel relaxed, remove your hand from your forehead and use your neck muscles to turn your head from side to side. Repeat 10 times. Do not lift your chin while turning your head.



4. Neck and Trunk Rotation: Slowly rotate your feet and lower trunk in the opposite direction of your head and neck. Repeat 10 times. Keep your chin tucked and feet on the ground



5. Head Clock: Imagine your head as a clock. Touch 12 o'clock with your nose, then 6 o'clock. Continue touching opposite hours. Then slowly trace the outer edge of the clock with your nose. First in a clockwise direction, then counterclockwise. Repeat each direction 3 times. Don’t strain your muscles while moving your head.



6. Shoulder Clock: Lie on your side with your knees bent and a towel under your head. Imagine your shoulder as the center of a clock. With your shoulder top, touch the opposite hour pairs. Touch each pair of hours 3 times. Turn to the other side and repeat the exercise.



7. Arm and Upper Body Circle: Continuing to lie on your side, draw slow circles with your arm, touching the ground with your fingers if possible. Follow the movement with your eyes and let your head and upper body move along with your arm. Rotate clockwise and then counterclockwise 5 times. Turn to the other side and repeat the exercise. Hold your knee with your bottom hand to protect your lower body.


8. Shoulder and Upper Back Stretch:

Step 1: Extend both arms slightly backward above your head.



Step 2: Turn your thumbs forward with your palms facing the ceiling and take a deep breath.



Step 3: Exhale and bring your wrists down as if putting them in your back pockets. Ensure your wrists are behind the vertical centerline of your body, holding your shoulder and neck in a balanced position. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Then return to the starting position. Repeat 3 times.




To strengthen the muscles of your shoulder and upper back, abandon the habit of slouching and strive to maintain a balanced posture. Stand or sit with your spine straight, shoulders back and down. Keep your ears, shoulders, and hips aligned.

9. Neck Rotation by Shifting Weight to One Side:


1. Weight Shift and Neck Rotation: Turn your head over the opposite shoulder while shifting your weight onto one hip. Hold for 3 seconds. Repeat 5 times in each direction.



2. Extend your arm backward to turn your head more. Repeat 5 times in each direction.


RANGE OF MOTION: This is to increase the flexibility of your neck and back, thus reducing the stress on your body during daily activities. This will help you feel less fatigued and be more productive at home and at work. Sit in a balanced position on a stool or a short-backed chair.



10. Neck Extensors and Side Bend: Place one hand behind your waist, and the other behind your head. Tuck in your chin. Pull your head down and forward as much as you can. Repeat 5 times. Do the same diagonally and sideways 5 times each. Switch hands and repeat forward, diagonally, and sideways.


11. Leaning Back: Clasp your hands behind your neck. Gently lean your head back and look at the ceiling. Open and close your mouth to stretch your chin, then slowly straighten up. Repeat 5 times. Stop the exercise if you feel dizzy.



12. First Rib Stretch: Place one end of a rolled towel under your left armpit, crossing diagonally across your back to your right shoulder. Hold the other end with both hands. Tilt your head to the right and gently pull the towel until you feel a stretch. While pulling the towel down, slowly tilt your head to the left. Hold for 2 seconds, then bring your head back to the center. Repeat both steps 5 times, then switch sides and repeat.


13. Stretching the Shoulder Arch:

Step 1: Raise your arms forming a 90-degree angle with your elbows. Slowly bring your arms together. Return to the starting position and repeat 10 times. Ensure your arms are parallel to the ground.



Step 2: If you can easily do the first step, proceed to the second. Place one hand under your elbow and gently pull it toward your body. Repeat 10 times in each direction.


14. Isometric: Place your hand on your forehead and begin applying pressure. Gradually increase it, but resist with your neck muscles, keeping your neck still. Hold for 5 seconds and relax. Repeat 5 times. Repeat 5 times on each side. Then repeat 5 times from the back. Don't apply pressure or resistance that causes pain.


15. Arm Raising: While standing in a balanced position, raise and lower your arms in succession. Move them straight. Repeat 10 times. If the exercise starts to feel easy, you can continue with light weights. Ensure your head and neck are in a balanced position.


16. Stretch and Extend: Begin on your hands and knees. From this position, raise and lower your arms in succession. Your knees should be aligned with your hips. Keep your head at the same level as your body throughout the exercise.