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h. Percutaneous Cordotomy


Percutaneous Cordotomy:

  1. It is the riskiest among radiofrequency techniques. Pain is transmitted to the spinal cord through nerves and from there to the brain.
  2. Cordotomy is the destruction of these pain pathways within the spinal cord.
  3. Although it is one of the first developed radiofrequency methods, it is now applied very rarely.
  4. During the procedure, the patient must be fully awake.
  5. With the help of an electrode and computerized tomography, the area of the spinal cord where the pain pathways are located is reached.
  6. After the correct area is confirmed with electrical stimulation, an area of 1 square millimeter is destroyed.
  7. Although it is a very effective method, it should only be applied when no other pain treatment method is effective due to the risk of paralysis.
  8. Cordotomy is a very risky method and is therefore only performed in a very limited number of centers.


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Percutaneous Cordotomy Procedure